Online account - google drive - no access

Hi there,
I want to set up an online account for google drive on my system Linux mint debian 6.0.
When I create an new online account for Google I type in my email and password, however the connection for authentification does not work. I have set up this on another pc also with LMDE 6.0 and it is running.

Is there a limitation, that I cannot use the gnome application for google drive on another system?

I have tried to login with a different googe account, but it does not work too.

I have installed the gnome online account account application, but I am also not able to authentificate and connect to google drive.

Any help I would be very please.

ok, I found this solution but not very happy with that. Maybe somebody can confirm, that this is the only solution.

Switch off 2 factor authentification, login to gnome control center google drive. Reboot
Switch on 2 factor authentification in google account

You may need wait for GNOME 46 for two-authentication to be supported.

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