Notes for a GUADEC handbook

(Very belatedly) following on from What we learned from hybrid GUADEC in 2024, I’ve just spent an hour pulling together the various suggestions/recommendations/thoughts from that thread into some notes which could eventually be built into a GUADEC handbook: Philip Withnall / GUADEC handbook · GitLab

This is not a full handbook, is not a proposal for one, and none of the notes in it have been approved by anyone. I’m far from the right person to do that. But it’s a starting place for an actual handbook to be built, and means the feedback from that thread (particularly around remote presentations) hopefully won’t be lost before GUADEC 2025.

Feedback on it should come in the form of merge requests or issues, please :slight_smile:


Thanks for making the summary repo! I think you’ll want to ping @kristiprogri about this; the Foundation’s staff has already been compiling the GUADEC survey results, so your work is complementary to that.

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