No thumbnails for mp4 videos

Hi, running shotwell shipped with Fedora 40 there are no thumbnails for mp4 videos after import.

L 2 2024-10-07 18:49:50 [DBG] BatchImport.vala:2006: Importing /home/foo/Pictures/2024/10/05/20241005_132206.mp4
L 2 2024-10-07 18:49:50 [DBG] VideoReader.vala:239: Launching thumbnailer process: /app/libexec/shotwell/shotwell-video-thumbnailer
L 2 2024-10-07 18:49:50 [DBG] VideoReader.vala:270: Error creating pixbuf: Unrecognized image file format

Installed gstreamer plugins:
sudo dnf install gstreamer1-plugins-{bad-*,good-*,base} gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 gstreamer1-libav --exclude=gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-devel

/app/libexec/… indicates that you are using Shotwell from a flatpak. If this is the flatpak from flathub, it only contains the OpenH.264 codec which seems to have issues with a variety of files, like unsupported profile versions.

I was just running shotwell via gnome shell.

I’ve never used flatpack.

But you are right. This funny fedora software app indeed installed shotwell as flatpak :slight_smile: thank’s a lot!

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