Nextcloud integration in nautilus

I am curious about how nextcloud is integrated with nautilus (I am running Debian Gnome). As far as I can see, there are two methods displayed in the screenshot below :

  1. The first one is a WebDAV link which appears when you use the “Online accounts” in the gnome-control-center.
  2. The second one is when installing nextcloud-desktop package. Then you can see a nextcloud icon like above.

As far as I can see, the second method is far better in terms of performance.

I cannot find any information about this second integration, does anybody knows something more about it ? Looking at nextcloud documentation, I can see the Nextcloud sync client provides icons for your system file manager, but cannot find any information on the Gnome/Nautilus side.

If after some updates “drive” disappears from Nautilus, I would like to know what I have to check on Nautilus side…

Thank you.

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