My image does not appear in textview (python&gtk4)

    iter_o = my_buffer.get_iter_at_offset (0)
    pt = Gdk.Paintable.new_empty (900, 128)
    img = Gtk.Image.new_from_paintable (pt)
    img.set_from_icon_name ("br_sura_dark")
    my_buffer.insert_paintable (iter_o, pt)

After you call Gtk.Image.set_from_icon_name(), the Image no longer tracks the Paintable, so you’re just adding the empty Paintable. Instead, you can use Gtk.IconTheme.lookup_icon() to get a Gtk.IconPaintable:

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    iter_o = my_buffer.get_iter_at_offset (0)
    icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_for_display (self.get_display ())
    pt = icon_theme.lookup_icon ("br", None, 500, 1, self.get_direction (), 0);
    my_buffer.insert_paintable (iter_o, pt)

It actually works but there is a problem
It gives me a square image when I want different dimensions

Icons are generally square, I think. You could use Gdk.Texture.new_from_filename() with the full path, which could be in your app’s DATADIR.

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    iter_o = my_buffer.get_iter_at_offset (0)
    tr = Gdk.Texture.new_from_filename ("file.png")
    my_buffer.insert_paintable (iter_o, tr)

Thanks, this is easier and nicer

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