Mutter needs MR 3304 to properly work with an external monitor plugged to NVIDIA dGPU

On laptops with a NVIDIA dGPU and a AMD Renoir iGPU, and an external monitor plugged to the dGPU, without MR 3304 the external monitor is simply unusable – even typing shows noticeable lagging.

The MR has been created 3 months ago, and has successfully been tested by a couple of users, with very positive results; it literally makes external monitors usable again. Me and others are currently depending on a dedicated COPR repo to install patched mutter versions on Fedora 39, but it would be great to see this finally merged to main :pray:

(there is an issue with mutter 46, but there is already a fix for that)

I understand this is probably not the best/proper way to raise awareness to this issue, but since MR 3304 seems to be in a limbo, I hope this will bring the necessary attention to it, and hopefully speed things up a bit :wink:

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