"missing-image" icon?

After compiled a glib resource bundle with some PNG icons (inside “/icons” path), I tried unsuccessfully to check out both Gtk::Window::set_icon_name() and Gtk::Image::set_from_icon_name().

I wrote the following C++/Gtkmm 4.0 code (irrelevant parts removed)

	class Window
		public Gtk::Window

			refIconTheme (Gtk::IconTheme::create())
			refIconTheme->add_resource_path ("/icons");
			for (auto & it : refIconTheme->get_icon_names())
				std::cout << it << std::endl;

			set_icon_name ("great-app-logo");
			image.set_from_icon_name ("great-app-logo");		


		Gtk::Image image;
		Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::IconTheme> refIconTheme;

When listing, “great-app-logo” appears among the IconTheme icons; and Gtk::Image::set_from_resource (“great-app-logo.png”) runs fine, but not the case of set_icon_name (“great-app-logo”) and image.set_from_icon_name (“great-app-logo”), which shows the “missing-image” icon.

What should be happens ?


Try adding the resource path to the icon theme in use rather than creating a new instance.

The following code, for me, it does not run, either…

The resource path is well registered but icons are not found by names.

	class Window
		public Gtk::Window

			refIconTheme (Gtk::IconTheme::get_for_display (get_display()))
			refIconTheme->add_resource_path ("/icons");
			for (auto & it : refIconTheme->get_icon_names())
				std::cout << it << std::endl;

			set_icon_name ("great-app-logo");
			image.set_from_icon_name ("great-app-logo");		


		Gtk::Image image;
		Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::IconTheme> refIconTheme;

In order to use named icons you will need to follow the file system layout outlined in the icon theme specification, even in your GResources.

There are a few examples on the wiki that you can follow.

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In order to use named icons you will need to follow the file system layout outlined in the icon theme specification, even in your GResources.

It should still work though even if that’s not case, at least according to the docs anyway.

No, it really should not work unless you use an icon theme path.

If the docs say otherwise, then the docs need to be fixed. Please, file an issue asking for a clarification.

Will do when I get a chance.

The docs for 3 definitely need that removed then, not sure about 4 I’ll have a look later.

It did work in gtk3, so the most people bundling icons did that, but gtk4 removed that behaviour

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