Milan Mcrha and Evolution Team - Thank You

Dear Milan Mcrha,

  • I hope I am not breaking any rule, if so, sorry about it.

I am writing to express my profound gratitude to you, Andre Klapper, and the entire Evolution Team for the incredible work you have been doing with Evolution. As a new Linux user, I feel compelled to reach out and personally thank you for your exceptional contributions to the Linux community through this remarkable application.

Though I may not possess the coding skills to contribute directly to the project, I have been using Evolution for several weeks now, and I must say it has made my Linux experience truly enjoyable. The effort and dedication put into the development of this application have not gone unnoticed, and I wanted to take a moment to show my heartfelt appreciation.

Evolution has been a game-changer for me, streamlining my communication and productivity like never before. It is evident that the passion and expertise of you and your team shine through in every aspect of the application’s functionality.

I understand how busy you must be, but I wanted to take this opportunity to convey my gratitude personally. I tried reaching out through your profile, but I couldn’t find a way to send a private message. Nevertheless, I couldn’t let that stop me from expressing my heartfelt thanks to you and the entire team.

Your work is making a positive impact on countless users like me, and your dedication to improving the Linux experience is truly commendable. Please know that your efforts do not go unnoticed and are sincerely appreciated.

Once again, thank you for your hard work, dedication, and the valuable contributions you make to the Linux community. Evolution has undoubtedly enriched my Linux journey, and I am excited to see how it continues to evolve with your skilful touch.

Warmest regards,


I suggest Milan to send his reply in ChatGPT style too :laughing:

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I’m glad you noticed that I’m not a native English speaker and I took the effort to open up ChatGPT and ask for help to express that I’m grateful for his work and the entire community.


Hopefully no one lets out the secret that there is more than one “English” (unless you ask the English, of course) :upside_down_face:


I wouldn’t be able to use linux for work, without evolution. So thank you.

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thank you. I’m happy you find Evolution useful.


What @Razze said.
Thanks Evolution-devs!


Thanks a lot! Appreciated. :slight_smile:


I have actually thought a few times of bringing up this very same thread. Evolution is such an underrated jewel, I could not get through a day on the Linux desktop without it. Just a staggering amount of real value to real people, routinely coming out from such a tiny little group of individuals. Much respect. :v:


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