Maps layer files

Maps has an option “open layer files”. But there are no layer files on my PC. How can I load layer files for Maps. Is anyone using this functionality ?

Hi Jean!

What you can do is to download a GeoJSON from this site I just found: List of open GeoJSON datasets | Open Innovations

You can then just drag the downloaded file to Maps to view its content or use the Open Shape Layer menu item to do the same.

Maps should support KML, GPX and FIT formats as well (and I thought it supported Shapefile as well but apparently not!).

Whether people use this or not is hard to say but I would guess that it is a pretty fringe use case today.

Thanks a lot. I am living in Lyon, France, and these layers are not directly useful, but they help me to understand how it works and to find more directly useful layers.

I just found a geojson file of Région Auvergne Rhône Alpes towns. Wonderful ! Thank you again.

No problem! Happy to help! :slight_smile: