Hey, not sure if this is the right place to report, but the login to the GNOME Gitlab is having problems this morning (as Mo reported in #gnome on Libera) and tested myself and having the same problem
500: We’re sorry, something went wrong on our end
Request ID: 01JCZ1GR8BY5S4X1J782E6XKPZ
Try refreshing the page, or going back and attempting the action again.
Please contact your GitLab administrator if this problem persists.
I’m having the same issue. No matter how much I retry I cannot log in.
I think 2FA/Passkey is interfering with my ability to retry. Since I have to go through verification, I cannot simply “retry” the request, as the passkey or 2FA code are invalidated after the first attempt. Refreshing with passkey continues to return Error 500. Refreshing with 2FA code results in an email about an incorrect 2FA code.
When I try to add a comment into an issue (for example to this one: Autocrypt header uses wrong email address (#2905) · Issues · GNOME / evolution · GitLab), I only get a red banner above the comment box saying “Your comment could not be submitted! Please check your network connection and try again.”. Please check your connection thus I could try again.
This is getting worse and worse during the week (or more?).
@Jehan, what you're saying fundamentally doesn't make sense — imagine if GIMP bundled XTerm on Linux-based OSes, instead of using GNOME Terminal or Konsole! However, when in `cmd.exe`, specifically:
1. Their font preferences shall not be respected.
1. Duplicating text into the clipboard is more difficult.
1. The launch size overrides shall not be respected.
> https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/Infrastructure/-/issues/1799#note_ffe6c1409c13150014148da29da338659405c7e7
Incredibly, although it failed 6 times in a row, leaving it for 30s appeared to work.
…I see the undermentioned quote:
Your comment could not be submitted! Please check your network connection and try again.
Additionally, as the 1st aforereferenced bug states, I am occasionally unable to modify issue descriptions. Summarily, I see the undermentioned quote:
Error updating issue. Request failed with status code 500
Having multiple threads covering the exact same thing isn’t really conducive to a good experience on a discussion forum. We have known transient issues with GitLab that are going to be mitigated by the planned migration.
Yeah, it’s not a criticism, @ebassi; needn’t explain. I mentioned it because because unlike other Discourse instances, this one doesn’t indicate when a thread has been merged, so they might have seemed chronologically redundant. Thanks though.
Well, that could be just a bright Saturday. I cannot add comments again. Opening “Commits” tab in a merge request results (after several seconds) into:
Error 503 No healthy backends
No healthy backends
Error 54113
Details: cache-vie6360-VIE 1732523232 2555364406
Varnish cache server
and the https://status.gnome.org/ lies about “All systems are operational.”. I’d really like to do my job again, but I cannot even release a software, because of these recent problems. I do not recall seeing the infrastructure such buggy for a decade, it was always rock solid, with some rare exceptions, but what it does for the past weeks… Wherever the infrastructure went, it feels backward. I’m sorry.