ListBox or ListView?

Hi, I’m using gtkmm4 and I’m wondering whether I should use ListBox or ListView in my app.
The widget should contain text items, sometimes there will be 2 columns, and sometimes one.
There are NOT supposed to be many items but I would like to load them from a file easily.
The selection will always be a single row selection, sorting and filtering are not yet decided.
Can anyone suggest the most suitable widget? Code examples are also welcome

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ListBox is your best choice. it contains ListBoxRow to hold children widgets, one or more.

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You should use ListBox if you know beforehand the number of rows you’ll have and they won’t change for the duration of the application; or, if you have a variable number of rows, that the maximum number won’t get near 100.

For dynamically populated lists, with an arbitrarily large number of rows, you want ListView instead.

For instance:

  • a settings UI, with a known number of options, should use ListBox
  • a file list widget should use ListView

The gtk4-demo application has demos and code for both widgets, written in C.


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