Linux Userspace S04E10 - History of GNOME

GNOME history in todays episode of Linux Userspace:


Haven’t watch this yet, but I’m sure it’s a trip down memory lane. Cool!

My first usage of Gnome was v1.0 in 1999 via my Red Hat 6 installation. I even bought the book haha. I used that install to work on implementing the kernel driver’s full bus speed for the snappy new HPT366 IDE controller in my new motherboard that was not yet fully supported.

I had spent the previous 3yrs developing Linux socket-based chat (like a CLI ICQ) software on Slackware, housing my initrd on a boot floppy. To have a Desktop for the first time on Linux felt wondrous.

24 years later, now a retired back-end dev, I’m back on Gnome!

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