Hi, i noticed some days ago that the mouse does not change to left/right up/down cursor to indicate, that the border of a window or a splitter within an application can be moved to change the window size.
Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
Wayland Gnome-Version 42.9
Some automatic updates were done, but i can not say if this issue rises exactly after this update.
It is interesting, that the mouse-pointer symbol jumps a little bit left-up when the mouse is at the border of the window or a splitter in an application. So it seems that the mouse-pointer symbol is centered over the current mouse position like the double arrow symbol would be centered.
Bad news: i don’t know what was the root cause of the issue.
Good news: mouse cursor works now.
What i did: i downloaded from https://www.gnome-look.org an alternative mouse-curser set. copied it to /usr/share/icons
edited the /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme
Then the mouse cursor worked correctly (but still used the old default mouse cursor).
But it works
And with gnome-tweaks i was able to activate the new installed mouse cursor theme.