Is possible install an application from gnome builder?


Now I’m using Debian 12 and I want install Gear Lever (an application for create desktop files from AppImage). So I install Gnome Builder and I can clone the application and I can run it. All the process is straightforward. Now I want install that app but I don’t know what I need to do. Or if I want to use Gear Lever is olny possible via Gnome Builder?

The app is available in flathub. So, the recommended way is to search and install the app from GNOME Software app, as shown below.

As a per-requisite, you need to install the GNOME Software flatpak plugin, which can be done from Software app page.

Also, refer to add flathub remote, if not already done.

Well my doubt is about Gnome Builder. I want to learn how to install an app via Gnome Builder. I can’t found tutorials of Gnome Builder so…

Native install:

Doing a native install of the app (like in standard system directories for general usage like launching from gnome-shell for all users) would require downstream specific packaging information. This is normally available .spec (for Fedora, RHEL, CentOS etc.) and a debian/ dir (for Debian / Ubuntu) etc, which is not provided by upstream app.

So, doing a native installation would be specific to each distro, and it would be difficult to achieve in GNOME Builder. A per user install of the app in ~/.local/share/applications/ might be possible with wrapper scripts, though.

Flatpak install:

It should be relatively easier to build and install a flatpak, as it’s distro agnostic.

That is my understanding. There may be better answers.

You can build and install the app by using the “Export” item in the build dropdown menu. Builder will generate a Flatpak bundle that you can install from GNOME Software like with any other app. contains instructions on that, though the page needs an update.