Is Gnome 46.0 in particular freezing the entire desktop because of Nvidia graphics?

I have a laptop with both Intel iGPU and a separate dedicated NVidia card, having noticed that since upadating to Gnome 46.0, my entire desktop freezes often times so much, not responding to the point that I have to hard reboot.

Just wondering if anyone else with a similar setup noticed these frequent complete hangs, where not even the keyboard works anymore to try and switch to tty.

I have friends with AMD laptops who have not been able to confirm such issues to me.

I do not have this exact issue, though I do have a similar case where my windows have delayed output. (or delayed input? It’s hard to tell) as of GNOME 46.

But before October of last year, I actually used a laptop with an NVIDIA mobile card so I remember the issues that happened with that. Laptops that use their iGPU and dGPU simultaneously use NVIDIA optimus, which is tricky on linux. :slight_smile: See: