The game is a deduction-style puzzle which pays tribute to the game Sherlock. It’s been one of my favorite puzzle games for decades. Written using Rust and GKT-4. I’d like to find a way to make its way in the gnome library of apps for other people to enjoy.
It’s a simple game, akin to Sudoku or minesweeper; gigs of graphic files not required. The executable and assets weigh in at 3mb. I considered writing it for the browser, at first, but I love Gnome and wanted to make something special for the eco-system.
The artwork is part AI generated (Flux), party hand crafted by me.
I have a few sounds that are from Davie504 (the youtuber) that are probably not free, but happy to make any adjustments to pass whatever legal requirements there are to have my game be a nice addition to the Gnome family.
Hi there! Yeah, sorry for the latent reply! Here it is:
I have a release with two builds, although building it is pretty easy with cargo build. I’ll add some build instructions eventually. I have two builds in the release but since I’m a sussy baka you can just build from source.
It’d probably be good to get it running in a flatpak, Idk how to best do this. Although I understand flatpak and gnome themes don’t exactly get along so well?
I have the build embed all game assets a la resources.xml so just a single fat binary should run on most x86_64 Linux platforms, provided the necessary linked gtk components are present
Well, I guess it wasn’t interesting ? I’ve posted a video tutorial, gave it quite a bit more polish. I don’t know that it was in good shape when I first shared it.
I settled on the name GnomeClu in honor of our favorite desktop environment here.