How to hide title bar of specific application window?

There are some application title bars that I need to hide, as they have their own bars.
Is there anyway to create a gtk rule for this ?

I have no idea what “a gtk rule” is: GTK has no “rules”.

If you mean some custom CSS style, then, no. CSS does not control the visibility of UI elements in GTK, and even if it did, there’s no way to use CSS conditionally, i.e. “if this condition applies then do this”.

@ebassi Like how kwin has “rules”, I though mutter also might have some kind of rules to dictate which application gets interface components & which one shouldn’t.

Mutter does not have window matching rules, no; and Mutter doesn’t use GTK either, in any case.

That’s fine btw. So the straight answer is, “it’s not possible to manage title bar visibility at all on gnome”.

Correct, you cannot do that with configuration. You could use (or write) some extension to remove server-side decorations, but with GNOME applications having UI elements in their title bars and using client-side decorations for that, it would amount to breaking applications.

So the straight answer is, “it’s not possible to manage title bar visibility at all on gnome”.

Mutter does respect the MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS flag in _MOTIF_WM_HINTS , so applications can hide their titlebar on X11. You are right that there is no configuration for that, but “not possible at all” is a bit too strong (FWIW, tinkering with xprop and similar does work if you must)

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