How to detect double click on GtkColumnView in gtk4

How can I detect double click on GtkColumnView? I tried with the code below but it doesn’t work:

static void onDblClick(GtkGestureClick* self, gint n_press, gdouble x, gdouble y, gpointer user_data)
    if (n_press == 2) { // Detect double-click
        GtkColumnView *column_view = GTK_COLUMN_VIEW(user_data);
        GtkSingleSelection *selection = GTK_SINGLE_SELECTION(gtk_column_view_get_model(column_view));
        guint position = gtk_single_selection_get_selected(selection);
        if (position != GTK_INVALID_LIST_POSITION) {
            g_print("Double-clicked on row: %u\n", position);

GtkGesture* leftClick = gtk_gesture_click_new();
gtk_gesture_single_set_button(GTK_GESTURE_SINGLE(leftClick), GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY);
gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET(columnView), GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER(leftClick));
g_signal_connect (leftClick, "pressed", G_CALLBACK (onDblClick), columnView);

This is a signal on the deprecated GtkTreeView, not a GtkColumnView.

You probably want to use the capture phase, instead of the default bubble phase.

So, how to catch double click on gtk4 column view?


Have you tried to set Gtk.EventController.set_propagation_phase (GTK_PHASE_CAPTURE) on your GestureClick?

Sorry, I’m still using it

Have you set set_single_click_activate to true? Even if you do not connect to the activate signal, if you have then the click count n_press is not what you think it should be. It will be 1.

I suggest you add g_print("click count: %u\n", n_press); to the start of your function to see what is going on.

If you are not using set_single_click_activate, connect to the activate signal.

It’s ok. I wanted to avoid using activate for double click. I changed my code and activate is ok.