How to customize evolution gui?

I’d like to remove/add some items to “menu bar” (?) - e.g. how can I remove the “junk” icon, how can I add a wastebasket icon, etc.?

| jankom Janos G Komaromi
April 17 |

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I’d like to remove/add some items to “menu bar” (?) - e.g. how can I remove the “junk” icon, how can I add a wastebasket icon, etc.?

Hi Jakom,

Honestly, I have been poking around the menu’s and I don’t see a way to add those icons, unless I missed the location to where you can add icons / remove icons from the main toolbar.

Honestly, TB and CLAWS is more customizeable than Evolution. But, I like Evolution and how they store my emails locally on the computer.


Fedora 39 * MATE Desktop * On a…Lenovo ThinkCentre M710Q* 15 Gigs of Ram* 1 TB SSD*

Did anyone check the user docs? “Help > Contents” and Evolution Mail and Calendar have a section called “Customizing tool bar and menu items”?

Yes, indeed. I saw that, but got scared because I don’t consider myself “savvy”. But it is worth to try it and learn. My next item on the 2DO list. Thanks - jankom
P.S. I switched from Claws on my Gentoo desktop because my Linux Mint laptop has Evolution and wanted to get used to the same email access client.

  • FACE PALMS* with the " RTFM".
    You WON’T get people won’t use your mail client , or make it gain popularity if you keep telling folks that when they write in for help! :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Ahhh, I see. You’re very welcome! :sunglasses:

I’m not sure if this is meant ironically, but just in case it was
serious: letting people know there is documentation is an entirely
appropriate response to this kind of question.
