How does the keyword search work in gnome-software

trying to improve the appstream data for my program, I would like to understand how / where,
is gnome-software looking for keywords (like with gs_app_query_new() calls) to search for packages when using the search tool.

I tried to use this in the metadata file:

   <keyword xml:lang="fr">chimie</keyword>
   <keyword xml:lang="fr">physique</keyword>
   <keyword xml:lang="es">química</keyword>
   <keyword xml:lang="es">física</keyword>

I tried to use this in the desktop file:


Then still no way, after a proper installation process, to find my software in gnome-software when searching for chemistry, of course I can find it in the installed softwares, but for some reason the keyword search does not seem to be working and I would like to fix this.

I compared with the metadata of other softwares, like Gchem3D, and am not able to find any difference that matters.

My program name is atomes, if you are using Fedora the latest release is available in the official repository,
however you will not find it searching for chemistry, even with the keywords in the desktop file.
That is unfortunate for a chemistry related package.

I tried to remove gnome-software cache, or update the package kit cache using:

sudo pkcon refresh force -c -1

Still no effect.
Would be happy to have your ideas on this matter.


Actually this does somehow seem to be a Fedora related issue,
everything working as expected on the Debian side of things.

Sorry for opening this thread.

This is expected as Fedora appstream is not updated frequently when compared to Debian / Ubuntu.

Refer for more details.

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