How does one add an updated version to the Gnome Shell Extensions webpage?

I’ve authored a Gnome Shell extension, and provided the repository address during the submission process, but would now like to update the version on the Gnome Shell Extensions webpage or, ideally, set automatic update on each new release on the Github repository (is that possible?)

I don’t see any option to add a newer version of the extension on the main extension page or on the review page, how do I go about it? Do I need to completely add a new extension?

You upload using the same form as when you first submit. The system will see that it’s the same extension and add it as the next version (i.e version 2 if you have only uploaded once). It will get reviewed the same. You can choose to deactivate the earlier version(s) if you want.

Gnome extensions also has a comprehensive API (see GNOME Extensions) which you can use to automate uploads.

See GitHub - swsnr/ego-upload: Upload GNOME extensions to from the command line for a tool which I wrote for the purpose of uploading extensions from GitHub release workflows automatically.

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