How can I reduce the margin between icons?

Hello ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary units,

I would love to reduce the space between my folder icons. I generally use my computer from my couch so I have scaled my graphics to 300% (3840x2160).

Here’s a screenshot.

As you can see there is easily enough space between the icons for 3 more columns.

In addition to that, I have also maxed out the icon size (133%). That is something I would like to change as well.

I’m still in school. I don’t have much experience programming. In theory, I have learned how to program… I made a GUI with JavaFX for class almost a year ago. I am currently learning CSS which is probably why I have margins on my mind.

Now, I just want to change those margins in your wonderful program!

If you could point me in the right direction that would be awesome.

My distro:

Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS (Nvidia 64bit)
Gnome: 42.9




That’s a really old version

Thanks to the efforts of many, the grid has been rewritten from scratch and became lot more space efficient on recent versions (43 and later, current version being 46).

Changing the margins in the version you are using is surprisingly difficult because they are tied to a zoom factor: if you make it smaller with big icons, it becomes too smal woth small icons. In other words, keeping big icons close to each other means small icons might overlap each other. This is because in that old version this was not a true grid but instead a canvas.

For more details and history, tou can read my blog post The icon view is dead, long live the icon view! – Blog about what I do

Thank you for your replies.

I haven’t had time to read your article yet. It sounds interesting, I will check it out later. In the meantime, I’m going try and figure out what I need to do to get a newer Gnome version. I sure hope it doesn’t include ditching my current installation. I just had to reinstall Pop OS when I switched from AMD to Nvidia graphics. That was a pain.

Thanks again for the info.