Handle Signals of Child Widgets in a GridView

I am struggling with understanding the GridView, ListModel, and ListItem.

I have created a template .ui file for my ListItem which is a composite of widget. For example, the widget may show an album cover, and have an overlay for favoriting it, plus a button to bring up a box to write a comment.

My .ui file looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <requires lib="gtk" version="4.0"/>
  <template class="GtkListItem">
    <property name="child">
      <object class="GtkBox" id="album">
        <property name="name">album</property>
        <property name="orientation">1</property>
        <property name="halign">3</property>

          <object class="GtkOverlay" id="overlay1">
            <property name="visible">True</property>

              <object class="GtkImage">
                <property name="name">cover</property>
                <property name="icon-name">media-tape-symbolic</property>
                <property name="pixel-size">96</property>
                  <class name="icon-dropshadow"/>

            <child type="overlay">
              <object class="GtkButton" id="edit-comment">
                <property name="css-classes">comment-overlay</property>
                <property name="visible">True</property>
                <property name="label">Edit Comment</property>
                <property name="halign">fill</property>
                <property name="valign">end</property>
          <object class="GtkLabel" id="album-band">
            <property name="label"></property>
            <property name="ellipsize">3</property>
            <property name="lines">1</property>
            <property name="max-width-chars">1</property>
            <property name="single-line-mode">true</property>
            <property name="wrap">false</property>
            <property name="width-chars">1</property>
            <binding name="label">
              <lookup name="artist" type="CampCounselorAlbum">
                <lookup name="item">GtkListItem</lookup>
          <object class="GtkLabel" id="album-title">
            <property name="label"></property>
            <property name="ellipsize">3</property>
            <property name="lines">1</property>
            <property name="max-width-chars">1</property>
            <property name="single-line-mode">true</property>
            <property name="wrap">false</property>
            <property name="width-chars">1</property>
            <binding name="label">
              <lookup name="album" type="CampCounselorAlbum">
                <lookup name="item">GtkListItem</lookup>
          <object class="GtkLinkButton">
            <property name="label">View on Site</property>
            <property name="uri"></property>
            <binding name="uri">
              <lookup name="url" type="CampCounselorAlbum">
                <lookup name="item">GtkListItem</lookup>

So far, everything is good. My items are drawing as expected and labels are pulling relevant data from the model by binding and using lookups.

I am instantiating this using the BuilderListItemFactory, like:

var albums_list_model = new AlbumListModel();
var scrolled_window = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow();

try {
	var factory = new Gtk.BuilderListItemFactory.from_resource(null, "/net/line72/campcounselor/ui/album.ui");

	var selection = new Gtk.NoSelection(albums_list_model);
	var grid_view = new Gtk.GridView(selection, factory);
} catch (GLib.Error e) {
	stdout.printf("!!ERROR: %s\n", e.message);

My question is, in my .ui file, I have a GtkButton with id edit-comment. How do I bind a clicked signal to that?

It seems I could switch over to a SignalListItemFactory and manually connect/disconnect a signal in the bind/unbind, but then I don’t think I’d be able to use my .ui file.

What options do I have?


Shouldn’t this work? Just connect the signal via standard GtkBuilder <signal> syntax, then in your handler, you’ll get the pointer to the Button, from which you should be able to ‘walk’ back up to the ListItem via get_parent(), then from that ListItem you can use its :item property to get the model item and update it as per the edited coment, etc.

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