(Thiago Sayão)
November 5, 2024, 10:12pm
Is it possible to put a GtkOverlay on top of a XWindow that is GL rendered?
Gtk does not control the window rendering.
The original window is actually a Gtk Window, but it’s passed to GLX as a XID and rendered independently.
Yes, I know it’s not ideal.
November 6, 2024, 6:39am
If you can explain what you’re trying to achieve, it would help GTK devs.
(Thiago Sayão)
November 6, 2024, 10:31am
It’s for the PR:
← mstr2:feature/extended-window
opened 12:47AM - 20 Oct 24 UTC
Implementation of [`EXTENDED` stage style](https://gist.github.com/mstr2/0befc54… 1ee7297b6db2865cc5e4dbd09).
### Progress
- [x] Change must not contain extraneous whitespace
- [ ] Change requires a CSR request matching fixVersion jfx24 to be approved (needs to be created)
- [x] Commit message must refer to an issue
- [ ] Change must be properly reviewed (2 reviews required, with at least 2 [Reviewers](https://openjdk.org/bylaws#reviewer))
### Issue
* [JDK-8313424](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8313424): JavaFX controls in the title bar (**Enhancement** - P4)
### Reviewing
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MacOS would draw window controls over the window. I want to mimmick that with a GtkOverlay, and use either the HeaderBar, or copy the button part (since GtkWindowControls are gtk4 only and we use gtk3).
The window is a GtkWindow, but it’s app paintable and rendered with GL directly on the XWindow XID.
December 6, 2024, 10:32am
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