Gtkmm 4.16.0 fails to compile error: static assertion failed

Trying to compile gtk 4.16.0 & git fails with same error gdk/gdkmm/
gdk/gdkmm/ error: static assertion failed: Type Glib::RefPtrGlib::Bytes cannot be used in _WRAP_PROPERTY. There is no suitable template specialization of Glib::Value<>

The 4.16.0 tag builds for me, the only difference in the build command i see is that I’m using the gtk subproject. I’m using gcc 14.2.1 on Fedora, and I see the build automation is using gcc 13.2.0 on Ubuntu; it’s also using gtk as a subproject.

What compiler are you using, and what gtk tag are you building against?

gcc (GCC) 14.2.0
Run-time dependency gtk4 found: YES 4.16.1
Run-time dependency cairomm-1.16 found: YES 1.18.0
Run-time dependency pangomm-2.48 found: YES 2.54.0
Run-time dependency gdk-pixbuf-2.0 found: YES 2.42.12
Run-time dependency epoxy found: YES 1.5.10
Run-time dependency vulkan found: YES 1.3.290
Run-time dependency glibmm-2.68 found: YES 2.72.1
Run-time dependency giomm-2.68 found: YES 2.72.1
Run-time dependency gtk4-unix-print found: YES 4.16.1

glibmm 2.72.1 is over two years old, so that’s probably your problem.

Thanks will check that out and let you know

glibmm2-2.82.0 done the trick :slight_smile:

Gtkmm 4.16.0 requires glibmm >= 2.75.0 and giomm >= 2.75.0.
It should have been specified in and
Updated in the git repo’s master branch now.