i create a Gtk Box
create a Gtk Stack and StackSideBar
populate the stack with multiple widgets (in this case multiple Gtk Grid)
before i use Gtk.Box.append to add the stack and sidebar to the box - i can use
and then
to remove one of the stack children
Gtk.Box.append (Gtk.StackSideBar) and
Gtk.Box.append (Gtk.Stack)
the “get_child_by_name” works just fine but the “remove” just puts the app into a tail spin and becomes unresponsive
no errors are thrown by the vala compiler or the build
there doesn’t seem a way to refresh the Gtk.Stack object after it has been added to the box
is this as it should be?
and Gtk.Box doesn’t seem to have any methods to interrogate or manipulate the children inside it
what gives?