And now my question: is this user friendly behavior? Fonts look much worse now and removing such fundamental thing shows, that GNOME is against people with eyes problems. Is this really your message?
yes, exactly. Somebody decided, that technology already implemented, working good and staying with us ca. 25 years is removed. For people with eyes problem this is change worse than removing x86 support or smth like this - it affects health somehow.
What are the chances of bringing it back? People use limited number of resolutions and scalings and implementing it shouldn’t be rocket science.
PS. This is so fundamental, that GTK without it should never be released (and my bug report about it was already rejected)
Because it never actually worked properly, and the entire text stack, from font faces to rendering, has moved away from that particular solution.
You should stop spamming every topic on this forum about it, as well, because that’s a great way to get blocked. You opened two topics, and left comments on other, unrelated, topics.
I’m tired with such statements. Decision the most probably was made by people, who don’t need it (maybe it was just one, single developer). It shows lack of understanding what exactly different people need & what was deleted. I have found at least few posts (not only from me) showing, that people are not happy with the change. If code was not nice, it was always to move it to separate module / component / rendered / whatever and give people choice “as is”. Deleting things without understanding consequences reminds “best” practices from some big companies.
I wanted to speak very friendly in first topic and seen zero reaction. Question, if latest Gnome is better in this area, is very related and valid - I know now, if I should ask Canonical for upgrades.
Anyway, I see low traffic here and saying about spam seems to me very exaggerated. I don’t understand, where allergic reaction on this topic comes, but yes - Gnome is going back and making own users very tired and angry will not help it. I understand, you don’t want to hear, but this is fact.
Fell free to take this feedback or not. I don’t have anything more to say.
Than provide gtk3 functionality for gtk4 apps “as is”. Done.
You know very good, that it’s not about it. Windows and Mac OS are like are, in Linux world Gnome is quite popular & such moves (like you did) are putting people in hell.
Is it really, what you want to do ? Making Open Source less and less valuable? Do you really want to ignore people feedback?
If new version (GTK4) was not ready, it should be not released. Point. Now you made problem for people. Point.
You clearly have zero idea about how anything works, and explaining it to you again is clearly not going to yield any positive outcome.
No, we are ignoring pointless feedback coming from people that have no idea how things work, and all they want is to have their system like they configured it 15 years ago.
I strongly encourage you to move to another desktop environment, and to use other applications; Linux has plenty of those.