[Gtk4]How to set the default font size of the Textview?

How to set the default font size of the Textview?

Load a CSS fragment like:

textview { font-size: 16pt; }

using a GtkCssProvider.

1 Like

Thank you!!! It works!
And is there the GtkSourceView5mm for CPP?
Or Any guide to use the GtkSourceView5of c version in the Gtkmm4?

Not that I know of, but I have never used the C++ bindings.

You may want to ask on the gtkmm mailing list.

Thank you for your reply again.

We can use c by the wrap in c++
GtkButton cbutton = (GtkButton)gtk_button_new_with_label (“Hello, World!”);
Gtk::Button* button = Glib::wrap(cbutton);
m_Box.append( *button );

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