Goals for GNOME OS

For those of us who weren’t at GUADEC this year, can anyone elaborate a little bit on what the goal is with the GNOME OS?

Personally, I would love to see a debian based vanilla GNOME OS, along the lines of KDE Neon. As a test bed, but also as a marketable product. :slight_smile:


You can see the talk.

The goal of GNOME OS are:

  • provide a working base for development, design, and user testing
  • automate QA from boot, to installation, to session
  • provide a VM for marketing and outreach purposes
  • provide a minimum viable product for OEMs and OSVs using GNOME on their devices

The explicit anti-goal is to create yet another Linux distribution.

We don’t have the resources for handling hardware enablement and security updates. At most, GNOME can provide a place upstream where to submit hardware enablement involving GNOME components, and host shared security fixes, instead of bottling them into downstream silos; but that’s not really up to us to decide.


Thanks a lot for your reply and the link.

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