GNOME sites in accessible location

Currently, from a GNOME App ( About Dialog ), we can traverse to a few GNOME sites as ( shown in blue ) below:

But, other sites like "Planet GNOME" / "GNOME Blogs" ( shown in yellow ) are not available in the regular workflow of a user. I got introduced to these sites through some Discourse / GitLab comment, much later than those in blue.

Can we make the links to the sites ( shown in yellow ) available in a user accessible location ?


The GNOME pages network is currently facing changes as a whole. For example, the Wiki is likely to be retired. You can follow the conversation in the GNOME Pages room on Matrix.



But this topic is about getting those websites introduced to a GNOME user in a more straightforward manner ( and not through some GitLab issue comment months later )

That’s part of the reason why we are working on overhauling the stack of GNOME pages as @bragefuglseth mentioned before.


Okay. Thanks for the clarification.

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