Gnome-shell 43.1, on hover tooltip is hidden under the system menu background

I am developing gnome-extension for shell version 43, Review "Bring Out Submenu Of Power Off Button" version 30 - GNOME Shell Extensions

in gnome-shell v42 on hover the tooltip is showing on top of all, please observe the gif below

now when I try to do this on v43 it is hidden under the QuickSettingsMenu

from the above Image, the text “suspend”, is partly under the QuickSettingsMenu background

if I change its position to top bar, it(the text “Suspend”) is visible fully like below,

any suggestions please?

thanks for your time.

Maybe you want LayoutManager.addTopChrome()?

Thank you very much @andyholmes,
I tried it, and I could not make it success,

do I need to change anything in this code?

const LabelLauncher = new GObject.registerClass(
    class LabelLauncher extends St.Widget {
        _init() {
            this.label = new St.Label({style_class: 'dash-label'});
            this.label_actor = this.label;

I tweaked the above code like this to use addTopChrome but still the label(tooltip) is under the popup

const LabelLauncher = new GObject.registerClass(
    class LabelLauncher extends St.Widget {
        _init() {
            this.label = new St.Label({style_class: 'dash-label'});


Maybe popup menus also use that function, and you should try Clutter.Actor:z-position?

@andyholmes thank you verymuch for your response to link Clutter.Actor:z-position, I tried it and still not working. Can you have a look on the full code here, if you can bring this to work please.

Sorry, I’ve never done this explicitly with actors before. You’ll just have to play around with the z-index or maybe Clutter.Actor.set_child_above_sibling() and related functions can help.

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