GNOME Projects Using XML, JSON, or YAML in Vala

Hello everyone,

I’m new to Vala and currently interested in working on a project to implement support for different formatting languages. As part of my research, I’m looking for existing GNOME applications or libraries that parse or emit formats like XML, JSON, YAML, or any other commonly used formatting language.

If you know of any or have any projects that use these formats, feel free to reply here or message me on Matrix (, I’d love to hear about them! Understanding real-world use cases will help me ensure my work aligns with existing needs.

Thanks in advance!

DBKangaroo’s official repo for issue tracker and I18N support all of three formats, what do you want to know about them?

JSON is the main format supported by DBKangaroo, XML/YAML format just for exporting data.

JSON handle library is: json-glib, it’s great and powerful.