Gnome OS - how to change the branch with systemd-sysupdate?

I’m currently testing the new version with systemd-sysupdate on a VM, and so far it’s been an interesting experience. However, I still haven’t figured out how to migrate branches, or even how to see the “differences” between each image (if there’s a tool for that).

This isn’t a complete answer, but we have been trying to collate documentation on this wiki, in anticipation of one day having a proper manual for GNOME OS. The “Update the System” section tells you how to update but i think nobody wrote how to switch branches yet. gnome_os · Wiki · GNOME / gnome-build-meta · GitLab

It actually helped, because it seems like I was looking at an outdated version of the wiki. I guess they’ll rely exclusively on sysext to install the gnome-dev packages that were previously in the dev branch of the OStree release.

Yeah sysupdate has no branches at the moment. Support for that is pending upstream in systemd (sysupdate: Support major OS upgrades by AdrianVovk · Pull Request #33706 · systemd/systemd · GitHub), but even then it’ll not be used for devel packages; that’s what sysext is for. With sysupdate branches will be used to switch between major releases (47 / 48 / nightly, for example)

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I understand, and I think the sysext solution is very elegant. I will continue to follow the development and report any bugs. Thanks!