Gnome Os after update black screen on real hardware

I just installed the newest update of Gnome Os and now when I did the reboot I just get a blank black screen. Can someone help me troubleshoot this and fix it. Thanks for any help.

Hmm, honestly unless you’re a kernel expert, you probably shouldn’t be attempting to use GNOME OS on real hardware. This is a developer platform primarily intended for VMs, and while some developers do use it on real hardware, it’s definitely not intended for end users to attempt themselves. You need to feel comfortable with building a custom kernel and submitting configuration changes to enable the hardware that you need.

Presumably hardware enablement is not the problem here because you indicated that it was working prior to the latest update, but… just trying to set some expectations for what you’re trying to do. Maybe somebody smart will be able to help you troubleshoot, but I kind of doubt it…

Well I take that back, it seems GNOME OS Nightly Installation Guide is advertising this as a thing you can do. Still, it might be a little rough going… good luck, hope you’re able to find the problem.

Yeah, this is most certainly due to something being broken with the latest update. You should try to get it booting to the known good version (See “Boot into older versions” from above link).

Debugging the failure is generally difficult, you have to enable the systemd debug shell and try to find the error in the journal. With some luck, you’ll be able to guess which component is at fault.

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Thanks I will try what you said. Thanks for replying.

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