GNOME minimal resources

I’d like to know which minimal resources are required to run properly and smoothly GNOME on Debian ? (my PC only has 4 GB of RAM) Thanks,

GNOME itself runs fine on 4GB of RAM, tested on a ThinkPad T420 quite recently. However running Firefox on top of that might become challenging, depending on the website.

I’m disappointed because I’d like to take advantage of Wayland, with Gnome DE (I currently run Xfce under Debian 12)…

So, would it be preferable to opt for a 8Gb RAM at least ?

In the other hand, which amount of storage should be ideally dedicate to the swap partition for Gnome? (I have a 125Gb disk and actually, 8.6Gb of swap).

I mean if Firefox runs on XFCE in that setting it will also run fine on GNOME in that configuration

OK, I initially chose Xfce because this DE is said to be less greedy in system resources than Gnome or KDE.
Do you think that testing Debian with Gnome on a live USB could indicate me if is the RAM sufficient ?