Gnome Keyring: Is it possible to have automatic access to applications that require password?

Hello everyone,
i would like to start by saying that my operating system is Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon, used in the “Ubuntu on Wayland” graphical environment, with Seahorse installed for key ring management. I ask if it is possible to avoid entering the password for applications that require it (for example on my system only Chrome and Proton VPN) to have automatic access. I highlight that when i launch Chrome i have the screens that i attach. I’ve searched a lot on the internet without finding a solution to avoid entering the password so i’m asking if someone can give it to me. In particular, i would welcome guidance from the Gnome developers if possible.
Furthermore, if what i am asking is possible, i ask if it could cause problems for the operating system and if, for example, Chrome passwords would no longer be usable.
Best regards.

Vincenzo D’Intino

Schermata accesso portachiavi predefinito
Schermata accesso portachiavi default

Vincenzo D’Intino

Make sure your keyring password matches the login password.
You can use Seahorse to change the keyring password.
Set an empty keyring password if you use automatic login.

In the past I had already tried the suggested solution in Seahorse but it hadn’t solved the problem. I tried again but nothing. I also tried logging into the system with a password (not automatic) but, if I launch Chrome, I always get the password request for the default keychain and for the default one. Is there any other solution? However, on Seahorse I have the situation in the attached photo.
Best regards.


Unlocking multiple keyrings automatically is problematic.
Set your most important keyring as default and set an empty password on each other keyring.
Another way is to manually consolidate your passwords in one keyring.

i tried but it doesn’t work. I’ve also tried other ways but nothing works. There is always the request for passwords.
So, i ask if it is possible to uninstall gnome-keyring and if uninstalling could cause problems for the operating system. I ask, if the removal is possible without problems, how to do it, what commands to give.
Also, after that, chrome would no longer have saved passwords?
Best regards.


Try this way:

  • Back up and remove ~/.local/share/keyrings.
  • Reboot or relogin and then start Google Chrome.
  • Specify your login password twice for the new keyring.

On my PC the folder is in the path Computer/share/keyrings (screenshot attached) and contains several files. I have to backup of all the contents of the Keyrings folder? Should I delete the entire folder or just all the files it contains?
Best regards.


i was able to find the keyrings folder in the path ~/.local/share/keyrings. I deleted everything and rebooted. When i first launched Chrome, the system asked me to create a default keychain with a password and i provided the same for login.
Now i only have one keychain (called “default keychain”) and when i start Chrome for the first time i only have to enter the password once and not twice like before. I tried changing the keychain password in Seahorse, leaving the fields blank for the new one but there is still a prompt to enter the password the first time i launch Chrome. How could you avoid even requiring a single password?
Otherwise i’m happy with having to enter just one password.
Best regards.


I run GNOME 45 on Fedora 39, and when I change the GNOME keyring password to blank, unlocking the keyring no longer prompts for a password.

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