GNOME dock icon and application are separate

I have a GTK4 app with following desktop file:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Space Acres
GenericName=Autonomys Network Farming Software
Comment=Space Acres is an opinionated GUI application for farming on Autonomys Network

Icon installed at /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/space-acres.png, which all works well so far: it shows up in the list of applications, I can pin it to the dash, all good.

Now when I actually launch it it (with application ID set to xyz.autonomys.space_acres as docs recommend) I get a separate icon in dash with “xyz.autonomys.space_acres” tooltip and generic cog icon.

I tried to find explanation in the documentation and this forum, but so far unsuccessfully. Any pointers to how I can make it open as a normal app from the same icon instead?

This is an invalid key: it needs a terminating ; at the end.

How is your desktop entry file called? Are you setting the application id to match the name of the desktop file, minus the .desktop extension? Did you read the documentation?

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Desktop file is called space-acres.desktop, I didn’t know that it had anything to do with application ID

Okay, renaming file to xyz.autonomys.space_acres.desktop helped indeed.
This is surprising, but kind of makes sense.

Thank you!

You probably want to remove the StartupWMClass key from the desktop entry file as well.

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