Gnome development fund

It seems the Gnome Development Fund has been changed on the donate page. Donate – GNOME And I was wondereing why it was changed?
I hope it is not permanent as it was a very exciting idea for how a normal user could contribute to the development of Gnome


From the web archive:

The Foundation commits to using at least 80% of the money collected through the Fund for investment into the core GNOME desktop, apps, platform, and development tools, through funding software development, design, usability research, and more.

I also hope that the >= 80% will be respected for all the donations received during that period.

Some transparency about that would be great:

  • The start and end dates when the “Development Fund” was active.
  • How much money was raised during that period.

I was thinking more reasons for why it was removed and finding possible solutions or answers addressing these reasons.

reasons for why it was removed has an article related to it, giving a good summary: Free-software foundations face fundraising problems

It is related, but doesn’t give a complete answer.

I can understand if the Foundation does not do that since they are having financial troubles as the link that you found mentioned (thank you for that link, it was interesting. Did not know that the other foundations also struggled).

The most important thing is, in my opinion, proper governance ensuring good community control.
That control can be in a governance document and a start can be that to change the document one
something like what the Debian project has. I think that their voting process for changing the
Debian Social Contract can be a good process for changing the document.

Open questions:

  • Was it that perhaps 80% was too a large cut so that other activities would be reduced too much?
  • Or was it more a problem of proper governance, ensuring good community control?

Still no answers from the board. You could ask your questions to the Board of Directors, by e-mail: Contact Us – The GNOME Foundation

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