GIMP changing canvas size - can I start with a fixed width/height-ratio?

Hello from Germany!

I´m using Gimp 2.10 for development of my photos. Working on a number of pictures I want to cut out a defined part of 50%. Every time I have to close the chain to get a fixed ratio of w/h. I´ve searched for a configuration file to start with a closed chain-symbol like in the scaling-tool.

My system is a openSUSE tumbleweed- Linux. I´ve checked the configuration-files in my /home an in the /usr/share/gimp-directories but didn´t found a solution.

Any help?
Thank you for support,


You can use either the crop tool or the rectangle select and then copy,
paste as new layer, for example… in Tool Options you can constrain
both the crop tool and the rectangle select to 1:1 aspect ratio.

You can save a “tools preset” in the Crop tool with you favorite settings:

And then you eventually have a collection of them:

You can set up Gimp to always start with the defaults you like, this is described [here]:
Managing tool options and window positions.

Thank you for the good advices, it makes my workflow much faster.
An other work-around i´ve tried is the modification of the “templaterc”-file. Fits to my needs, too.

You don’ t need to modify templaterc “manually”. You can do the same with Windows > Dockable dialogs > Templates

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