Here are some free plugins I made for Gimp 3. Designed to help me in illustration production.
Thanks for all the free software people, long live Linux and Gimp!
AlmostAutosave - Incrementally autosaves any open and changed files
Proxy - Saves layer groups to storage, adds a proxy, reduces file complexity, increases speed
Isolate Selected Layers - Isolates layer stack selections for better visibility
Adjustment Layers - Apply a repeatable set of tweaks to an image
Paper Scale - Shows what the active image would look like if printed out on A4
Precise Scale - Scales an image with offset layers, without layer movement
Simple Scale - Takes a “copy all visible” and creates a new scaled image
Collapse All Groups - Layer stack utility
Expand or Collapse Groups - Layer stack utility
Select All Layers - Selects every layer in the stack
Group Selected Layers - Puts any selected layers in one group
Layer ID - Prints a list of selected layers and ids
Layer Parasites - Prints a list of selected layers and parasites
Layer Remove Parasites - Removes any parasites on the selected layers
Crop Layer to Mask - same as Content Crop, uses the layer mask as content
New Layer from Selection - Creates a new layer, from the selected area
Image Parasites - Prints a list of all images and attached parasites
Remove Image Parasites - Removes any attached parasites on an image
Also available, procedures.scm, a list of custom Script-Fu procedures.