GIMP 2.99.16 specific questions

I have several questions about GIMP 2.99.16 (i’m not using the previous version anymore)

  • how to make an animated GIF?

  • how to select 2 or more layers so I can move them at the same time

  • is it possible to group layers in groups and how to do this? (in order to move a whole group of layers at the same time)

please quote the question you’re answering too

Did you use previous versions?

I’m asking because the workflows for

  • how to make an animated GIF?


  • is it possible to group layers in groups and how to do this? (in order to move a whole group of layers at the same time)

would be the same as in 2.10,x.

The workflow for

  • how to select 2 or more layers so I can move them at the same time

is like activating multiple items in many other applications (mutiple cells in spreadsheet applications, for example)

  • holding the Ctrl key and clicking on individual layers in the Layers dialog,


  • holding the Shift key and clicking on a layer to have all adjacent layers from the currently active one to the one you clicked on made active.
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No not for these things. So i’m still interested in the answer.

I found the layer groups in the manual.

And for interested people, I found a great gif tutorial here

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