Fractal 8.beta released

It’s been all over the news, so you probably already have heard about what’s happening in France, but in case you haven’t yet: a new Fractal beta just dropped!

What have we been up to?

  • Mentions are sent intentionally
  • Authenticated media are supported
  • Draft messages are kept per-room
  • The verification and account recovery processes have been polished
  • HTML rendering should be more robust, as we switched to the same library already used by the Rust SDK to cleanup tags in messages
  • Speaking of HTML rendering, code blocks gained syntax highlighting, lists can be nested, numbered lists can start from an arbitrary number, the details tag is supported, and @room mentions are detected and rendered with a pill

As usual, this release includes other improvements, fixes and new translations thanks to all our contributors, and our upstream projects.

It is available to install via Flathub Beta, see the instructions in our README.

As the version implies, there might be a slight risk of regressions, but it should be mostly stable. If all goes well the next step is the release candidate!

As always, you can try to fix one of our issues. Any help is greatly appreciated!


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