Font Rendering Issue - GNOME 48 Blurry Text

Hi Guys,

I was finally looking to ditch windows but the blurry/weird fonts is really making me rethink. This is consistent with both Gnome 48 and KDE Plasma. I have a 1080P Samsung Monitor if that info helps…

Now I have had to reinstall Windows since I have to work haha. Here’s everything I have tried:

  • Hinting: Slight, Medium, Full
  • Subpixel rendering: RGB and Grayscale
  • All LCD Filter options: Default, Light, Legacy, None
  • Different fonts: Default, Cantarell, Roboto, Inter, Segoe UI
  • gtk-hint-font-metrics=1 in settings.ini

Windows is completely fine and so is LXQT. I have only tried with Debian since I am comfortable with it. I can’t use LXQT because for some reason it can’t save display config so I can’t switch my primary monitor :confused: plus I loved how GNOME looked so I was hoping it works :slight_smile: