Files: Search-on-typing should be disabled in case of save action

Currently, when saving a file, typing in the window opens the search input instead of focusing on the filename input. Setting GTK_USE_PORTAL=0 resolves this issue by reverting to the old-style file picker. Would be better if (in case of save action) Files would disable search-on-typing and prioritize the filename input instead.


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Thanks for the issue references here. I’ve been wanting to work on this issue but have had some trouble learning enough about the code base. I just commented a potential lead on #3663 (In File Chooser saving mode, directly typing launches a search instead of renaming the file)

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I saw your suggestion for fixing this by modifying the C code - however do you know of any workaround (I am ok with a hacky workaround :slight_smile: ) for now that does NOT involve re-compiling? Of course such a workaround is only needed till an official fix is merged in Gnome.

Unfortunately all I’ve got if using a mouse isn’t an option, which I know really is sometimes the case, is that you can back out of the overwrite-file confirmation dialog and then edit the filename. I don’t think it’s a safe or reasonable way to do it, since it takes several steps and risks overwriting a file with one accidental confirmation, but it does exist.