Feature requests that are state of the art for file managers Nautilus and Nemo for Linux distributions Linux Mint and Ubuntu like in default filemanager Dolphin (for KDE)

Feature requests that are state of the art for file managers Nautilus and Nemo for Linux distributions Linux Mint and Ubuntu like for default filemanager Dolphin (for KDE)

Please offer/build about two new copy features for your file-managers Nautilus and Nemo, etc. (default filemanager in Linux distributions like Linux Mint and Ubuntu), that are today state of the art while copying files (like filemanager Dolphin in Linux Distribution KDE, and default file-manager in Windows 10)

0-100%-Display of copied files (till now):

-Visible display of how much percents of files copied(%), while copying files with default file-managers of Linux distributions (like default copy-function in Windows 10 while copying files, etc.).

-Pause-Button (clicking on/off for pause while copying):

A visible clickable Pause-Button is today state of the art (like default file-manager in Windows 10), while copying files, because it should be possible to offer a pause, to do other things on Computer, etc. (e.g. while copying a lot of files for hours, where also a display of percents of files copied is important for your users)

If no advance built in new versions of Nautilus and Nemo

If no advance feature requests are built in new versions of default file manager Nautilus and Nemo for Linux Mint and Ubuntu distributions, you should/could replace default filemanagers (for Linux distributions Linux Mint and Ubuntu) with state of the art filemanager Dolphin (default filemanager for KDE).

Many thanks.

Kind regards


Link Dolphin filemanager:

The design team is already working on improving file operations. This is the latest mockup for Nautilus:

Nemo is developed by Linux Mint, not GNOME.

Pause feature is in the design plans.

But it’s unlikely to happen anytime soon, unless somebody volunteers to do it, or gets paid to do it.

It’s a challenging task that requires extensive changes across multiple modules, which need to be planned in advance with the respective maintainers.

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