Feature request: Overhaul gnome settings power modes

Feature request:

  • power modes should be attachable to a power state (AC or battery)
  • settings in the area “Power saving” should be attachable to a power mode
  • include the option “Display lid behavior” in addition to “Power button behavior”

I want the maximum performance on my laptop when on AC, the difference is massive on my Lenovo, because it also increases the TDP the CPU can use. The efficiency penality is negligble. On battery I want my laptop to endure as long as possible and the fan to not run, because I mostly use it on my lap and this would cause it to overheat.

Power saving settings are logically coupled to a power mode, so it makes a lot of sense to let users configure them accordingly. Also the current alignment is not correct: I can switch “Dim screen” off, but my decision would be overruled by the “Power Saver” mode, without a indication.

Users may also want to change the display lid behavior depending on the power mode/AC mode. This is actually already happening in the background, but sadly not shown to users.

All those features are available in Windows, I find them very reasonable and miss them badly!

Haven’t looked into the code in detail, but I think the Settings power panel code uses Upower to manage power settings.

Does "Upower" offer such an interface, so "Settings" app can offer the features requested above -or- should "Settings" app add this feature on its own code ?

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