Feature Request: Airdrop from custom gnome files app for iOS

We need an application made for iOS to airdrop files to and from gnome files… I think the technology is patented to Apple but I don’t think we have technology to view what’s on our gnome files app directly on iOS, nor what’s on Mac’s. If it’s possible to reverse engineer the tech it would be helpful for many use cases… and make Linux a more adopted OS. Kinda like the files app made by apple but with offline viewing a la VLC server style.

This isn’t quite what you’re suggesting (which is technically impossible to achieve as of now), but to transfer files there’s currently Warp, which is compatible with Destiny for iOS.

There’s also Valent, a slightly more ambitious device connection app under construction, based on the KDE Connect protocol.

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Today I tried nextcloud it kinda works too but it’s not decentralized thanks for your advice!