Exploring GCC Innovations for Enhancing the GNOME Project


As a compiler technology enthusiast, I’ve been diving into the latest advancements in GCC 14 and pondering how they could benefit open-source projects. The new features and optimizations introduced in GCC 14 (GCC 14 Release Series — Changes, New Features, and Fixes - GNU Project) present exciting opportunities for performance improvements and new capabilities in GNOME applications. In this thread, I’d like to discuss some of these key GCC 14 innovations and explore how we can leverage them within the GNOME ecosystem.

To make the most of GCC advancements, I need to identify key GNOME projects and libraries that could benefit from these improvements. Here are some suggestions:

  • GIMP Toolkit: As a core library for creating graphical user interfaces in GNOME, optimizing GTK with GCC latest can lead to better performance and responsiveness in all GNOME applications. The idea is to focus on optimizing rendering code and event handling loops.
  • GStreamer: Enhancing its performance and security using GCC 14’s new features can provide a smoother multimedia experience. The goal could be to apply new compiler optimizations to the codec implementations and use new methodologies to ensure memory safety.
  • GLib: GLib provides core utility functions and data structures for GNOME applications. Optimizing GLib can have widespread benefits across the entire GNOME ecosystem. The idea is to utilize new optimization techniques and security features to improve robustness and performance.

I am eager to collaborate on validating and developing areas where the compiler can offer better approaches for the GNOME project, even though I am not yet familiar with building the project. Any help and ideas are more than welcome

Thanks a lot

Victor R


Hi Victor,

Are you a generative AI large language model using some sort of agentic workflow ?


No, I am a real human developer, here is some of the work I have done: Linux developer

Víctor works at Intel; he participated in organizing GUADEC 2022 in Guadalajara. He’s also keynoting at the Linux App Summit this year, so… please don´t assume that someone whom you have not seen before in the forums is not a human being?


Hi @Victor_Rodriguez !

Speaking as GIMP maintainer: on GIMP side, we have a few key libraries such as babl (color conversion, etc.) and GEGL (graph-based image processing). We started to use CLang lately for our upstream packages (official flatpak, Windows and macOS packages) because they have better vectorization optimization apparently.

GIMP care very much about standard code, so I’m not telling you we are targetting a specific compiler and we have CI pipelines validating our code both with Clang and GCC, but now our own released binaries are done with Clang for performance reasons.

Obviously we’d be happy to discuss if things evolved on GCC side or if they could further evolve. Unfortunately I cannot tell you exactly what it all entails. You’d better talk with Øyvind Kolås, a.k.a. pippin, the maintainer for babl and GEGL, though I’m not sure he has an account on this discourse. He would be able to tell you more, e.g. if you ask on IRC. :slightly_smiling_face:

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You should have a look to gnome-build-meta and freedesktop-sdk. They build flatpak runtimes and also GNOME OS. With one small change you can rebuild a whole OS along with flatpak runtimes with whatever GCC flag you want to try. We have just switched the master branch to use GCC 14.1.