I can’t print the email in landscape orientation. Prints in portrait orientation with any settings.
For example, libreoffice print correctly in landscape orientation
Can’t find the problem
The page setup dialog tab doesn’t do anything?
The devs might like to know the Evo version and maybe your OS.
and also a little detail like what the “cannot” precisely means. Is
there an error message? In that case copy&paste it here, please. Is the
page empty? Is the content incomplete/cut? Does the change do nothing,
the printout is always portrait? Does it print to a file incorrectly
too, or only to a real printer? And so on… Too many possibilities for
the “cannot” meaning.
I just tried to print to a file with the landscape and it did work.
Using the development version of the evolution (to be 3.55.2 soon) and
Out of curiosity I just tried printing an email to file/PDF from Evo 3.52.3-0ubuntu1 (this is on Kubuntu 24.04.1) and found that landscape format produces a blank white page with nothing on it, at least nothing I could see.
Portrait format print to file/PDF does however print the email text etc, it’s visible.
I’ll leave the printing to paper printer to the OP.
I see the same with 3.54.3 on Fedora 41.
even when you select a text there? I’m thinking of a white text on a
white background, though I agree it’s unlikely to be the case here.
If you run Evolution from a terminal, does it claim anything in time of
the print execution there?
These things, including the print dialog, are from the WebKitGTK. What
are your versions, please? Mine version (see above) prints it fine.
As the last, is the resulting PDF small? Like only few bytes or such.
Mine, with a small mail message, was 25KB approximately. I’m wondering
whether the text is not shifted out of the page viewport for whatever
Thanks and bye,
I my case the PDF is small enough to include here:
1 0 obj
<</Producer (Skia/PDF m129)>>
3 0 obj
<</Length 0>> stream
2 0 obj
<</Type /Page
/Resources <</ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>
/MediaBox [0 0 842 595]
/Contents 3 0 R
/StructParents 0
/Parent 4 0 R>>
4 0 obj
<</Type /Pages
/Count 1
/Kids [2 0 R]>>
5 0 obj
<</Type /Catalog
/Pages 4 0 R>>
0 6
0000000000 65535 f
0000000015 00000 n
0000000107 00000 n
0000000060 00000 n
0000000270 00000 n
0000000325 00000 n
<</Size 6
/Root 5 0 R
/Info 1 0 R>>
That’s the entire PDF from printing (saving) Sorin’s latest post in
okay. I booted a Fedora 41 machine, updated it, and it has
now. I’ve been able to reproduce an “almost empty” PDF file with the
landscape orientation, while the portrait had been printed fine. The
same output is generated with 2.46.1 version of the WebKitGTK.
I went down to WebKitGTK 2.44.1 (the last 2.44.x version built for
Fedora 41 in Koji), which was kinda a painful due to changed
dependencies, and that one prints the landscape properly.
I opened a regression bug in the WebKitGTK:
Please see it for any further updates.
White text on white background sounds plausible. Tried doing a ctrl-a to mark anything there, but nothing showed up though.
I don’t see anything in particular in the terminal.
Just some parser error. Don’t think it’s relevant to this issue.
data.xml:407: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: br line 407 and p
<p>Loopia AB, Kopparbergsvägen 8, 722 13 Västerås<br> Org.nr: 556633-9304</p
sorin@lanfear2:~$ dpkg -l| grep -i WebKitGTK
ii gir1.2-javascriptcoregtk-4.1:amd64 2.46.5-0ubuntu0.24.04.1 amd64 JavaScript engine library from WebKitGTK - GObject introspection data
ii libjavascriptcoregtk-4.1-0:amd64
sorin@lanfear2:~$ dpkg -l| grep -i webkit2gtk
ii libwebkit2gtk-4.1-0:amd64
PDF printed from email on this issue.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sorin sorin 1,9K jan 28 15:00 test-landscape.pdf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sorin sorin 1,2M jan 28 15:00 test-portrait.pdf
PDF printed from small plain text email.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sorin sorin 565 jan 28 15:03 test-small-plain-text-email-landscape.pdf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sorin sorin 1021K jan 28 15:04 test-small-plain-text-email-portrait.pdf
thank you for trying all of that. You are right, the problem is in the
WebKitGTK 2.46.x, something changed there. See the WebKitGTK bug I
pasted a link to above.
Thanks and bye,
No problem. Thank you (and all the other Evo-devs) for the work done on this mailer!!
the content is cropped. It’s as if a horizontal image has been overlaid on the vertical orientation
version of the evolution 3.50.2 and
printing via a network printer