Evolution losing rules

Evolution 3.50.1 (3.50.1-1.fc39)
Fedora 39
Cinnamon Desktop

I noticed that when I create a rule in Evolution, as soon as I hit " OKAY" and then " OKAY" again and try to run the rule, I notice the rule didn’t work, I go back and open up my rules screen, and the rule has DISSAPEARED from out of Evolution.

I just installed Fedora yesterday.

Is there anything I can do?


Cannot reproduce, my filter rules don’t just disappear. Please provide clearer instructions, step by step, as a list, with no room for interpretation. Thanks.

On Wed, 2023-11-15 at 00:08 +0100, CWM030 via GNOME Discourse wrote:

I noticed that when I create a rule in Evolution, as soon as I hit "
OKAY" and then " OKAY" again and try to run the rule, I notice the
rule didn’t work, I go back and open up my rules screen, and the rule
has DISSAPEARED from out of Evolution.


I tried it here and the message filters are not disappearing here. If I
understand it correctly, you use Edit->Message Filters, where you
choose Incoming type and then add the rule, right?

Could you run Evolution from a terminal and see whether there’s any
error printed in time of clicking the “OK” button in the Message
Filters dialog, please?

Mail filters are stored under ~/.config/evolution/mail/filters.xml ,
maybe check whether your user can access that directory and the file is
writable for it.


Right Click > Create > Create Filter rule on Sender

Then I set the rule to either move to a folder

Stop processing rule

Hit Okay


Nothing happens…

I then go to:

Edit > Message filters and the rule isn’t there, so I have to go back and re-create the rule, and it sticks the 2nd time.

Just while ago, I made a dis-regard rule to delete an email, after hitting okay. I clicked on the filter name and hit TOP then okay button, I went to run the rule and nothing happened! I opened my filter list back up, and the filter was BACK AT THE VERY BOTTOM of the list… Very strange!


I am currently running EVO from the terminal…

The only error I got was:

chris@DESKTOP-GO5HDUR:~$ evolution
Gtk-Message: 21:56:37.201: Failed to load module “xapp-gtk3-module”
Stub sandbox ignoring command: /app/extra/nacl_helper
[2:2:1115/215637.423669:ERROR:nacl_fork_delegate_linux.cc(312)] Bad NaCl helper startup ack (0 bytes)
Opening in existing browser session.

I tried it here and the message filters are not disappearing here. If I
understand it correctly, you use Edit->Message Filters, where you
choose Incoming type and then add the rule, right?

Could you run Evolution from a terminal and see whether there’s any
error printed in time of clicking the “OK” button in the Message
Filters dialog, please?

Mail filters are stored under ~/.config/evolution/mail/filters.xml ,
maybe check whether your user can access that directory and the file is
writable for it.


I know that for instance, I moved some filters to the very top of the message list.

I clicked okay

and when I opened the filters list again, the filters were BACK at the very bottom of the list. IDK whats going on with Evolution. Usually, if I move the filters again back to the top, they stay the 2nd time.


Owner: chris-Chris
Access: Read and Write
Group: Chris
Access: NONE
Access: NONE
Execute as a program: UN-CHECKED
Last change: UNKNOWN

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questions. See Help->About.


I did, see post number 1.

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